417: Decolonizing Wealth – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2This week:

Decolonizing Wealth
That’s the new book by Edgar Villanueva. His thesis: The solutions to the damage and trauma caused by American capitalism—including philanthropy—can be gleaned from the values and wisdom of our nation’s original people. He’s a Native American working in philanthropy. Let’s talk to him and find out what he’s thinking.

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com 

329: Prosperity Paradox – Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

tony_martignetti_300x300-itunes_image2Tony’s guests this week:

Alexa Cortes Culwell & Heather McLeod Grant, co-authors of the report, “The Giving Code: Silicon Valley Nonprofits and Philanthropy.”

There’s more at tonymartignetti.com